Sunday, 27 December 2015

Woosh, The game can now run in a browser

And more compatibility shit!!
it now runs on,,,,

Da browserrrrrrrrrr

Only ONE tiny little thing.
no actually two.
The browser version doesn't really like having threads.. Its possible but ..... mmmmeee.... so right now theres no planet in the background, since they usually get spawned by a background thread.

Second thing, it needs WebGL 2.0 to run, and it will take some while when all browsers actually support 2.0.  but when that time DOES come, then boom! first game ever using WebGL 2.0!! or something. 

This was a real pain in the butthole

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Another status update

the game now runs on linux
So now it'll be easier to get it running on android soon as well, and also on other devices, since i had to solve a lot of compatibility errors.

but otherwise nothing to show.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

status update

hey poeple, little status update about how its going:

Right now i did the following things:

- Ships can be spawned form the menu, so you can finally swap ships
- You can kill enemies now (but you dont get a score from it yet)
- Buying now takes credits
- Changed camera behaviour
- more minor stuff
- even more minor stuff

and now I installed linux gnome-ubuntu, I decided to not work on windows anymore.

yeah this would mean it will be easier for me to develop for the android devices, as they are linux based as well. but I did it mainly because I wanted to get used to it.

Still no spaceships from modellers, but i'm still hoping that that will come soon

Hopefully better update next time D8

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Different ship buy menu, and ship spawning

alright, new update again.
To aim towards the first version of the game, the game needed the menus to be a bit more practical and simpler.
So heres the new ship buy menu:

Very simple, can only contain 3 ships. You'll be able to repair your ship there later on as well.
But most importantly, you can finally swap ships!

The spawning has to be improved though, there is no nice animation of it yet. but hey, it works! weeee

Also, you might notice that the 'contributors' section has a new guy there! Duncan D will do some additions to the marketing of this game. (dont be suprised if he talks about helicopter dildo's all the time) Today he set up a moddb page of the game, so if you are familiar with moddb, then great!
The game is up there now as well:

Sunday, 29 November 2015

status update

Hey People

Can't show you much this time, These days theres a code cleanup going on.
But here's something that I can already share

First of all,
New domain!

tends not to work everywhere. But if it works for you, excelent! weeee

also there are some people who might want to help me out with (re)modeling the ships.
hopefully there will be a result of that soon. Once there is it'll be on this page

So stay tuned for next time

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Planet Entry


Ok new update again,
this time There is 'some' AI working. Very primitive one but hey now there is gameplay and that is good for the game.

Primitive AI

And then, there is also planet entry!
Once you entered a planet, you can buy new ships or repair your own one.
So no there is a speed meter. If you go slow enough for a long period of time, you will enter the planet.

Slowing down until speed is right for entry.
Then after 3 second, entering planet

And thennnnn
A menu should appear later on where you can buy new ships.
You will be able to buy it from 'credits' you get by destroying other ships.

Talking about ships, There are a few new ones! *children yelling 'yaaay' at the background*
Not so super impressive, But they will be the first ships you will encounter in the game. these are very basic weak ships. In the later version on the game, It will get some more style. Or perhaps there will be an 3D artist who can do that for me

Friendly heavy fighter 

Enemy light fighter

Next time, There will be a menu where you can buy ships.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Added atmosphere on planets


Enough said.

Ok well...
You also might notice i'm flying a different ship now, I'll talk about that later as well... perhaps 

Sunday, 8 November 2015

New ship

Ok I was actually planning to make an AI update,
But it hasn't gotten that far yet, I noticed I needed to implement some more ship physics for a popper AI to work. (rotation speed mainly), combine that also with player controls gave me a bit of a headache.
I got somewhere with the AI already but its not worth it to show that yet because its crap.

But I did made a new ship that I can show you now
and here it is:

 it can store not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not ....... 6 , but 5!! five fighter jets!!
so yeah this is will be quite epic.
(the wrong type of fighters are docked though, they belong to the other team actualy)

I call it the:


Sunday, 25 October 2015

Fighter shooting

Fighter can now do 'pewpew'

(yeah I know, this ship is reaaallly strong...)

the end

ok I did some more stuff like tweaking the controls and changing the background and more minor stuff

hopefully next time I have an enemy AI running!

Sunday, 18 October 2015

New engine flame thing

Because I wanted visual feedback on how much you are actualy accelerating
here is the result:

You can now also see how the controls will be if you are directly controlling a ship.
The fixed guns will shoot automatically when theres an enemy in range. But for Turrets, they will aim automatically but you will have to shoot manually by double tapping the screen.
This gives you the feeling that you are destroying the enemy and not that stupid Android phone or Iphone.

Enemies will have red jets coming out so its easier to spot

HD picture.. not that it makes much difference on a phone

the engine effects will still be altered, you see that once I stop the thrust, the flame simply goes smaller. But I want that some special effects will happen when you stop thrusting, and also when you suddenly start thrusting, but that will come later.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

New Ships

this is what I made during my offline time.

This will be a ship of the 'enemy' team.
All the ships of the 'enemy' team will have this style 

While 'friendly' teams will have this style, like the other 2 ships
But this one if the first special one, it can carry fighters

(did some photoshop here to show you the plan)
these fighters will automatically head of to the enemy
once the ship spots one. (less tapping for the android device)
and will also automatically dock to this ship once the fighter sees this ship.
that is a very nice layout of text is it not, text looks a bit like a pyramid but without the top.
I don't know if the pyramid text will appear when you read this on the phone, but on the pc it works.

And here is the total collection of ships now

I actually secretly have another ship (maybe 2) to show but I will show you that next time. 
At the moment I'm also busy making a nice engine particle effect when you accelerate the ship.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Added some spacedust

Right, now its time to be realistic.... i mean UNrealistic


Very fancy way of indicating your movement.
Its easy to get disoriented without it... So I added some epic unrealisticness.

Next time in unrealism: Drag
but very minor drag so you still notice you're in space. Simply plays better with unrealistic overhaul
Oh yeah, you will also have sounds in space. The engine will make so much noise that even space cant stop it.

ahh finally new update - The loading screen

because, in the month september.. I had no internet! D8 D8
how did I survive this state of utter horror ?! I question myself as well
Yes I could have gone to internet cafe, and I did but too lazy to upload stuff. I did make some offline stuff during September though,
Also the reason I had no internet was is because i moved to my new home in Frankfurt, and started as programmer at Flaregames. but i did not expect it to take 1 full month before I got internet again..

Ok now enough with the internet stuff, here my first thing I want to show!

First of All, I made a fancy loading screen yay!
(.gif is 2mb... thats the smallest I can get)
argh photoshop was taking up 2GB just to export this..

Luckly, we also have youtube!

So that was the first part of the update, 
next part will be some new ship models, but I will show you those next week 

These days I'm going to work on the combat system. I want that to be as fun as possible since that will be a big part of the core gameplay (perhaps i can then already publish a small version of it)

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Meteors can now also be generated

Here some pictures:

These will so far only appear as moons on some planets. But I have plans to put them in deep space later on

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Planet Update again

Hi poeple,

Got a new update about planets again.
Recently I work on planets a lot, I think it will actract more poeple to watch my game once the planets look fancy, or the whole scenery in general. So im starting to worry about gameplay a bit later for now.
I got spherical noise working now, so i could make mountains yay!!


Ooooohhh verrry realisticcccc

Still the terrains need more varience, and to be honest theres a lot more i want to work on for the planets but you will have to wait to see muahaha

Saturday, 18 July 2015


Heres some result on the planet generator i've been working on for a while:

Fancy planet with normals, and diffuse

Fancy craters

Fancy very deep crater

First stage planet generation ------- DONE!! D8 D8!!!1!!1 FINALLYLYLYLYLYYY!!!!!

ok so. 
you see that there is no shadow map yet, still has to be done. but i wonder if the android / IOS wont suffer from the performance because of that, so thats last on my priority list.

but.. BOOM !! its there

Now I'll probably work on some gameplay again

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Still working on planet generation...

Look I got automatic unrwapping (almost) correctly done wohoo!!

Now still need to work on those lines, and on the texture itself.
Sorry for the late update, more late updates might follow. My girlfriend will be staying here for a while so I cannot spend as much time anymore on the game argh..
But no worries, ill keep working on the game

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Tiny update - Planet generation

Hey poeple,

Little update here
Still working on the planet generations, but the unwrapping still is quite a challenge for me.
The cubic mapping didn't quite work out for deep craters. so now I'm trying the generate 'Thah ultimate UV map'

Butttt all i did so far is fuck it up. here a nice screenshot!

It does kinda look cool actually...

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Planet generation 2nd step

Wuzaaa poepleee,

Worked on the planet generation this week again. there are not big notifiable results. I have been working on the automatic UV mapping, which is now done. but the texturing still has to be done. Here are some pictures:
Le Generated UV Map + unfinished texture  

Le Game view of texture thing

Le applied with different colors just for the heck of it

There are still those thin black lines around the planet, Thats a known issue, and I know the solution for it as well. But as you see, no real awesome texture yet, buttttt im getting closer now and in the end I think it will be really interesting, and then the looks are finally starting to get pretty :p

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Moons, Destruction & Team colors


Alright new update again,
So i got some stuff done again
First of all, there are team colors now! wohoo .. or something, its pretty essential to see which ones are your enemy and which ones aren't..... I think

Oooohhhh Red & Blueeee. or blue and red 
depends how you see it.. literately... with your eyes
Theres also white for civilian ships.

And also, There are moons now. But they still have to be scaled and positioned properly
But hey, now you know they are coming.
They rotate very very slowly around the planet, not to disrupt the gameplay. You can take over the moons as well. In gas giants you probably actually want to take the moons as they have a higher science level than the gas giants them selves.

A moon that looks exactly the same as the planet

And lastly, I worked a bit more on the destruction of ships. they now really obliterate and explode
They still break of in staged if the ship below wasn't so powerful..

BOOM Motherfakka!!

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Interface 2nd step


New interface thingy again
This is what you see when you HAVE conquered a planet

And oh yeah, new background as well.

But lets talk about the new interface.
now you can buy ships!
ish..... buttons dont work yet.
But these ship buttons are generated from the real mesh, which saves me lots of work in the future. (and will also save some filesize for the Android/IOS)

Background thing
Yes previous background was ugly, new background better.
(This will add filesize again so forget what i said about the ship menu buttons)

For the rest, 
Planets generate faster :V i know..... not a high priority, but it does help me test the game better

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Interface 1st step

BAM got an interface

This is what you get when you click on a planet
Which hasn't been conquered yet

I guess all is obvious
But still some little things needed to be added like color change when you took it over, and the transition in the first place when you take it over.
Also there will be a line pointing to the planet you selected to make it more clear

Im already busy with the other part of the interface, the one that should show up once the planet has already been conquered.

Also a friend of mine helped me with the game this time, as you can maybe see... the planets name is 'Of',
Not the best name 'Of' a planet (haaahaaaahaaaaa ... ugh) especially when its star is called 'It'  (which is actually the case) ... 'of it' ? ok enough with that now. He made a random name generator that makes nicer names for the planets, other planet names in the game are 

Which look Pretty decent!