Saturday, 23 May 2015

Interface 1st step

BAM got an interface

This is what you get when you click on a planet
Which hasn't been conquered yet

I guess all is obvious
But still some little things needed to be added like color change when you took it over, and the transition in the first place when you take it over.
Also there will be a line pointing to the planet you selected to make it more clear

Im already busy with the other part of the interface, the one that should show up once the planet has already been conquered.

Also a friend of mine helped me with the game this time, as you can maybe see... the planets name is 'Of',
Not the best name 'Of' a planet (haaahaaaahaaaaa ... ugh) especially when its star is called 'It'  (which is actually the case) ... 'of it' ? ok enough with that now. He made a random name generator that makes nicer names for the planets, other planet names in the game are 

Which look Pretty decent!

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