Sunday, 29 November 2015

status update

Hey People

Can't show you much this time, These days theres a code cleanup going on.
But here's something that I can already share

First of all,
New domain!

tends not to work everywhere. But if it works for you, excelent! weeee

also there are some people who might want to help me out with (re)modeling the ships.
hopefully there will be a result of that soon. Once there is it'll be on this page

So stay tuned for next time

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Planet Entry


Ok new update again,
this time There is 'some' AI working. Very primitive one but hey now there is gameplay and that is good for the game.

Primitive AI

And then, there is also planet entry!
Once you entered a planet, you can buy new ships or repair your own one.
So no there is a speed meter. If you go slow enough for a long period of time, you will enter the planet.

Slowing down until speed is right for entry.
Then after 3 second, entering planet

And thennnnn
A menu should appear later on where you can buy new ships.
You will be able to buy it from 'credits' you get by destroying other ships.

Talking about ships, There are a few new ones! *children yelling 'yaaay' at the background*
Not so super impressive, But they will be the first ships you will encounter in the game. these are very basic weak ships. In the later version on the game, It will get some more style. Or perhaps there will be an 3D artist who can do that for me

Friendly heavy fighter 

Enemy light fighter

Next time, There will be a menu where you can buy ships.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Added atmosphere on planets


Enough said.

Ok well...
You also might notice i'm flying a different ship now, I'll talk about that later as well... perhaps 

Sunday, 8 November 2015

New ship

Ok I was actually planning to make an AI update,
But it hasn't gotten that far yet, I noticed I needed to implement some more ship physics for a popper AI to work. (rotation speed mainly), combine that also with player controls gave me a bit of a headache.
I got somewhere with the AI already but its not worth it to show that yet because its crap.

But I did made a new ship that I can show you now
and here it is:

 it can store not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not ....... 6 , but 5!! five fighter jets!!
so yeah this is will be quite epic.
(the wrong type of fighters are docked though, they belong to the other team actualy)

I call it the:
