Saturday, 18 July 2015


Heres some result on the planet generator i've been working on for a while:

Fancy planet with normals, and diffuse

Fancy craters

Fancy very deep crater

First stage planet generation ------- DONE!! D8 D8!!!1!!1 FINALLYLYLYLYLYYY!!!!!

ok so. 
you see that there is no shadow map yet, still has to be done. but i wonder if the android / IOS wont suffer from the performance because of that, so thats last on my priority list.

but.. BOOM !! its there

Now I'll probably work on some gameplay again

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Still working on planet generation...

Look I got automatic unrwapping (almost) correctly done wohoo!!

Now still need to work on those lines, and on the texture itself.
Sorry for the late update, more late updates might follow. My girlfriend will be staying here for a while so I cannot spend as much time anymore on the game argh..
But no worries, ill keep working on the game